Scientific papers, books, articles and relevant information.
- Scientific study on candida.
- Cold plasma inactivation of bacteria in chronic wounds.
- Cold plasma as a tool for the removal of food contaminants: Recent advances and future trends.
- The selectivity of cold plasma and the possibility of a paradigm shift in cancer therapy.
- Cold plasma cancer therapy.
- Bioelectrical stimulation for people with patterns consistent with certain chronic infections.
- Studies on the effect of medikzap and NE 555 devices used in natural medicine on cells of the candida albicans fungus
- Elimination of deadly bacteria with space technology
- Treatment of parasites with electric fields
- Effects of direct electric current on Herpetomonas samuelpessoai: An ultrastructural study
- Study on the destruction by electrical impulses of nematodes.
- System and method to eliminate parasites
- Study reveals ultra-low voltage is effective at killing bacteria
- Bacterial killing with high field intensity electrical pulses
- Microamp electrical currents caused bacterial membrane damage and bidirectional leakage in a short time
- Effects of high electric fields on microorganisms: I. Killing of bacteria and yeasts
- Use electrical current to destroy harmful cells in the body
- Potential of electrical stimulation for the management of COVID-19
- Effect of electrical stimulation on the infectivity of human immunodeficiency virus type 1
- Demobilization of natural viruses using low-power electrical currents
- Elimination of the common bean virus using an electrotherapy technique.
- Electrical discharges act as vaccines to protect plants from viruses
- Applications of electric and magnetic fields as alternative or support therapy for Covid-19
- Electrical apparatus for killing microorganisms in the human body
- Electrotherapy and shoot tip culture eliminate potato virus X
- Patents. The electric current disinfects the blood
- A virus that generates electricity
- 40 Hz: the frequency that could end Alzheimer's
- Data rigged in the main theory of Alzheimer's: 16 years of searching for a cure, in question